Notable characters in the stories of our worlds. If you play on the gaming servers, some of these are characters played by actual players while others are NPCs you might interact with in the game.
Creatures from ancient tales and a few of our own creations. Some of these might appear in the Rétglainn Occulti stories or as mobs, both hostile and passive on the Minecraft server or elsewhere.
Gods, Goddesses and other beings of great power from ancient times and possibly within the Rétglainn Occulti as well.
Help Articles for people who are new to our community and need to find out a thing or two about our lore. Also for those playing on our Minecraft server or new to Minecraft in general. In addition there are articles for people who are just new to lore or RPG based stories and gaming. Anything that people might need help with really.
Descriptions of the various races one might encounter in the lore of the Rétglainn Occulti sector.