A Resurrected Adherent is a foot soldier in Donn’s armies.They are fallen warriors brought back from the dead to do his bidding and usually serve under the command of one of Donn’s Warlords. Like all associates of the Fae, whether Seelie or Unseelie, they do not wear or use iron implements of any kind They are capable of inflicting wither upon opponents as well as some impressive melee damage. Some of them have been encountered on New Caledonia Phase 2 – Donn War on the surface among other places. Be on the lookout. There are also reports that a platoon of them are guarding a treasure of some sort inside the old mansion to the west of Spawntown on Hy-Brasil. If you manage to defeat one they generally drop diamonds and gold nuggets but might, if you are lucky, also drop one of their enchanted diamond swords which gives a small health and speed boost to it’s wielder as well as dealing enhanced damage and knockback.