Trelorian (Race)


Treloarian’s are a Half-human/Half-Skeleton race who currently live in the Trelorian Forest (closest to the Town of Treloar, Callaway Territory, Hy-Brasil).

Ghost Ezra The First Treloarian of Hy-Brasil



While the Trelorian’s have occupied the Trelorian Forests for the past few thousand years, they were originally from the celestial body Triton, moon of Neptune. 

Triton, a Neptunian Moon

The Trelorian Race originated in the small forested region of Triton named Lassel. When Triton lost its atmosphere around 3,000 B.C., the race nearly became extinct. With only a handful of pairs left, the Trelorians traveled to the closest civilization of beings semi-similar to their type; Hy-Brasil. 

When they arrived, all three of their spaceships crashed, leaving only one known survivor… Ghost Ezra. 

Ghost Ezra, The First Trelorian of Hy-Brasil has been searching for the remnants of the two other spaceships as well as any others of his kind since this event. 

Legend has it that Ghost Ezra is close to discovering the crash site of one of the other spaceships.



Trelorians have an extensive knowledge of archery, having the brain of a human, and the skill with a bow and arrow that only skeletons come close to. 

Fall Resistance/Feather Falling

Trelorians have the ability to fall from extreme heights, taking little or even no damage. All Trelorians have feather falling enchanted boots, and can easily traverse even the most rugged landscapes.


Those who who have interest in becoming a Trelorian and setting up their skin, kindly contact GhostEzra17 on the Discord Server!